Catching up with Miss Walker 22/05/20
Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 2:10pm
Good Afternoon Class 8,
It’s Friday! I hope you and all of your families are happy and safe at home.
This week has been a good week, I have been out for my daily walks and doing garden work-outs in the lovely weather we had, however I did struggle on Wednesday in the 27 degree heat! I hope we have been getting out in the nice weather and getting some fresh air with your families.
What have we all been up to? Only a few people have been in touch this week but it has been lovely to see what you have been up to, shout out to Harry for sending me his amazing poem! If you send me what you have been up to I will display it on our ‘Catch up’ page so that you can see what each other have been up to.
Have you built a tower that is 30cm tall and stands for 3 minutes? I had a go and to be honest it was a lot harder that I thought it would be the get the exact height but when I managed it I was quite happy with myself, what do you think? I would love to see yours.
Did you try the Knowsley School Sport challenge this week? Miss Melville from Class 1 did an amazing demonstration of some yoga moves, you should all have a try! Me and Monty even did some yoga this week too, I think he did better than me to be honest.
I am going to keep it short and sweet this week and wish you a lovely week off as next week would have been half term, make sure you continue to spend time with your family and have a fun but relaxing week.
Here is a lovely little video that my friend sent me and I would it would be nice to share it with you.
Miss Walker