Collective Worship


At Kirkby CE we believe that collective worship should be a celebration of our Christian values.  Collective worship sessions talk about God  and create space for children to think, engage and respond.  We therefore follow the Big Start Assembly Worship plan which spreads out the values over the whole year. This calendar also takes into account particular festivals and dates in the year, including things like Easter, Halloween, Christmas and Harvest, but also special days like anti-bullying day or Mothering Sunday. 

Aswell as using the engaging and interactive stories provided by Big Start Assembly we are fortunate to have strong links with the Kirkby Team Ministry.  All our classes attend Eucharist services at St Chad's Church.  We are also fortunate to have weekly JAM (Jesus and Me) after school church sessions and Muddy Church activities, provided by Caroline (Under 18 Co-ordinator) and Rev. Philippa.

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