Welcome to
At Kirkby C of E
We are proud to display our wonderful artwork for all to see! Click on the hashtag #KCEArt to take a look.
Curriculum Overview
Curriculum overview Cycle A
Curriculum Overview Cycle B
Kirkby CE Art Gallery
We look at 3 prime areas of art; Drawing, Painting and Sculpture, as well as other areas of Art and Design including Photography, Collage and Textiles and Printing. We are proud to showcase all children’s work.
Collage and Textiles
3D construction
Progression at a glance
From Nursey mark making to Year 6 creating texture, shade and depth in drawing and from Nursery joining simple materials together to Year 6 planning and producing intricate patterns and textures using recycled materials.
Art and Design in the local community
Knowledge and skills of Art and Design is enhanced from regular visits to Kirkby Art Gallery to local artists visiting us and from taking part in Knowsley Culture Capital to Pudsey competition for charity and everything in between.
Art is all around and anything can be art and anyone can be an artist!
Useful books to help support Art and Design