Blog numero um. (Blog number one)

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 12:16pm

Wednesday 1st April

Catch Up 1.

And a very ‘Good Afternoon’ to you all.

The idea behind this blog is for me to keep you all up to date with what’s happening with me and hopefully me with you!

So do please stay in contact. It is a two way communication link so please feel free to contact me and I will endeavour to answer your questions (if you have any) and look forward to finding out what you have all been up to.

[email protected]

I hope all is well and you are all behaving at home during this extremely strange time.  In all my years (all 83 of them) I have never known anything even slightly like it.

It’s so strange isn’t it not seeing each other every day and spending the majority of the school hours together. I obviously can’t say that I miss you all - as I have a reputation to keep up - and I don’t want any of the other classes knowing that deep down I’m a BIG SOFTY ….so please don’t tell!

It has been a real bonus with us having such great weather at the moment hasn’t it – although today has been a little drizzly where I am. Murphy doesn’t have to get up at the darkish, daft o’clock hour of 6.00am for his morning walk, he can sleep and snore for an extra hour or two. I hope that you have all been doing exercise of some sort - whether it’s been taking your dogs for a walk, running around the garden or bouncing 3,481 times on a trampoline –it’s so important.

My wife has been working from home as well, so instead of making Mrs. Scott endless cups of tea I have to remember to add half a sugar to hers, if I don’t want to get into trouble that is. I hope you have all been helping out at home, washing the dishes or drying them, loading the dishwasher, reading to your younger siblings or even - shock horror - making your own bed!

Send me photos and I’ll share them on the class page on the school website for us all to see.

Weekends are so strange aren’t they? Not being able to follow your normal routines. I usually play golf or Olivia, our 9 month old granddaughter, comes to visit. Both of these are a 'no-go’ and it is really sad – especially missing golf – only kidding. So please children do keep in contact with your wider families – thankfully we have all the technology nowadays which makes it so easy not just to hear them but to see them as well. It does mean so much to them. And remember that we are all fit and healthy – there are so many people much, much worse off than we are, so please do remember this when you are feeling a little fed up and sad.

Well, what have you all been up to?

I can see that a lot of you have been on TTRockstars and are improving all the time – If you haven’t please do get on it! Knowing your times tables makes a huge difference.

Have you watched the film ‘Skellig’ yet? – the link is on our (Class 7’s) home page.

What did you think? What parts did you enjoy and why? How was it different to the book? Did these changes improve the story or not? Let me know please – feel free to email pictures and documents – I’d love to read your thoughts about it.

I will be ‘blogging’ again soon with updates – in the meantime keep working hard on the Ancient Greece work and following the White Rose Maths on the Home Learning Links tab.

I’ll be off now. Take care and please do contact me.

Stay safe and be good.

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