Class 4 Catch Up 17th May 2020
Date: 17th May 2020 @ 11:27pm
Hi Class 4,
Well, another week has gone by and I’m wondering how you are all getting on. Has anyone had a birthday or lost a tooth? Or maybe you’ve got better at telling the time or making a cup of tea? Please tell me anything new you’ve learnt or mastered recently. If you have done something that you are proud of, you can email me a photo or scan to [email protected].
Remember we are all good at different things and showing perseverance when trying new things is really important. Think about how you feel when you have to try really hard at something and how pleased you are when you’ve achieved it. Are you trying hard with your home learning?
Here’s a little song by Olaf from Frozen I’d like you to listen to:
We do miss you all and hope it’s not too long before we’re all back together in school.
So, what have I been up to this week? We’ve played some family games over the weekend and Charlotte, our youngest daughter, organised a family quiz night for us on Saturday which was great fun. We played a round called “Who said this in the family group chat?” and Charlotte put the messages on the TV for us to see. It was very funny because there were lots of typos in the messages that she’d chosen and they didn’t make sense at all and looked like a load of gobbledygook.
If I’m being honest though, I’ve been a bit bored this week and I’m really missing my dad but I guess that it is OK to feel like that now and then. We’re only human and it’s natural to feel a bit grumpy at times. We need to be in touch with our feelings and if any of you are feeling a bit fed up, it’s important to talk about how you’re feeling so please talk to someone. I’m also missing school and all of you too and I can’t wait to see you all again and see how much you have grown. I bet some of you will be taller than me now!!
For this week's Home Learning, I’ve set you some work on fractions and given you an activity booklet for English. I hope you enjoy them. Remember to check out our Home Learning page and Class gallery page.
One last thing: I have set up TTRockstars class tournaments with Class 5 and Class 6.
At the moment, we are beating Class 5 but losing to Class 6
. I need you ALL to login to TTRockstars and put that straight!!!! We don’t want to lose to Class 6 do we? Email me if you’ve misplaced your login details and I’ll send you them out.
Have a lovely week.
Take care and keep washing those hands!!
Mrs Williams xx