Class 4 Summer Term 20.4.20

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 11:23am

Hi Class 4,


I hope you are safe and well.  


It seems like AGES since we were all in class. In fact, if you’re reading this blog today (Monday 20th April), you have been off school for 4 weeks!! I hope you have found lots of interesting things to do and have enjoyed having some extra time to spend with your family.


I have some exciting news. We have made our very own KCE film. You should be able to find it on our school page. It’s really good and I think I deserve an Oscar!! So, get some popcorn, put your feet up and be amazed at the premier.


We did really well with our film due to Miss Hindmarsh’s excellent editing skills and we all really enjoyed making it. I think you could do better though. So, think about what you can do and have a go at making your own short films showing a small part of your daily life. Please email them to me at [email protected] and I’ll upload it and see what magic we can create.


Another physical challenge has been set by Mr Mawson and Knowsley School Sport Partnership Challenges. Please have a go at spelling your name using the Alphabet Workout and email your videos at [email protected]  or send your efforts to the school's special twitter account, KCEStaySafe. Challenge your parents to have a go too. I had a go at the bunny jump one and nearly collapsed after doing it. Mr Mawson and Mrs Dwyer made it look really easy but, believe me, it was so much harder than it looked. 


Our Easter break would now be over and you would have been returning to school today for your last term in Class 4. The girls would have been showing off their new summer dresses and lovely white shoes and the boys would be showing off their polo shirts and their knobbly knees in their school shorts.


I think it would be good if we think of this term as a bit of a fresh start with our home learning.  School has put together a suggested daily timetable for you and I think it would be good to follow it. It may help you to structure your day and keep you busy. You could even set alarms on your phone like I do in class to remind you when it’s time to move on to the next activity.  


I’m also uploading a daily Lego Challenge that I think you’ll love to do.  I wish I still had my Lego as I’d love to complete some of the challenges. If you don't have Lego, I hope you can find some other creative activity instead. Do some drawing, painting or pretend you’re on Master Chef or The Great British Bake-off.


If you can, follow the suggested timetable and complete a piece of Maths and English each day. I will upload the work you need to do for the whole week on to our page and then it’s up to you to do it each day. I’ve emailed the work to your parents too so no excuses! School will be distributing COVID work packs directly to your home which will have some extra bits and bobs in for you to have a go at. I hope you find them most useful.


Two things I would really like you to do whilst you’re not in school:

  1. READING. Please read twice a day for 20 mins. There is plenty of free online material. E.g. Readon and Oxford Owl so make the most of all these lovely free resources we have at the moment.
  2. TIMES TABLES. Practise, practise, practise. I gave you all login details for TTRockstars which is the best times tables game I have ever seen. This will be part of your daily activities and by using it daily, you will get so much better at your times tables. Use “Garage” mode to get a good training that will help you learn ALL of the facts. Play “Studio” mode when you feel ready to enter the speed challenges and get your name on the leader board. You can challenge your friends or teachers to a 1-1 on “Rockslam”. And remember, when you’ve got loads of coins, you get to buy the best outfits at the shop. Check me out:

Dina Pigpen

Email me if you have misplaced your login details and I will reset it for you.

I’ve never written a blog before all this Coronavirus thing happened. I wonder if you’ve ever written one before or could you start one? It would be lovely to see some of you having a go at writing your own blogs.

If you would like to get in touch, email me on [email protected] and I will be delighted to hear what you and your family have been getting up to. Please send any pictures to this email address and I can upload them to our class page.
Take care. 


Mrs Williams xx

AKA Dina Pigpen

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