Class 9 Catch Up 10.4.20
Date: 10th Apr 2020 @ 7:48am
Good Morning and Happy Good Friday Class 9
I hope you’re all still staying safe and isolating as we’ve been advised. I know the urge is there to escape and play out with your friends but it is vital that you do not.
It has been lovely hearing from some of you this last week. I know some of you have been extremely busy and have completed lots of the activities from the home learning booklets. I would love to see some of the projects you are completing based on a country of your choosing! Please feel free to email me some pics to [email protected]
However, this week and next week are the Easter holidays therefore take some time off from completing work You all deserve a break but don’t tell Miss Hindmarsh I said that
What else have you been up to? Has anybody learnt anything new?! I’ve learnt how to bake chocolate chip cookies - they are amazing I would offer to bake some for snack but I can’t promise they’ll make it out of the house and into school in one piece. Even if I manage to get them that far, I still need to avoid Mrs Williams (Class 4) with them. Mission impossible if you ask me
Due to having some extra time on my hands (no idea why ) I’ve read lots. I have learnt lots of new words that I would never usually use and I’ve been trying to use them in conversation with my wife and parents (when on the phone). I can tell that they have no idea what the words mean so they just nod along. Who’s ever done that before when you’re not sure of something? Hopefully not too many of you during my lessons
I have really enjoyed the chance to spend some additional time with my two pets; Timon and Pumba. Don’t worry they are not a meerkat and a warthog they are two guinea pigs. They never stop making noises especially when you enter the kitchen. In fact, they have alerted my wife on numerous occasions this last week, of my trips to the fridge for a little snack. You cannot eat a packet of crisps in peace without them wheeking and squeaking and chewing the bars (yes really). They really remind me of Miss Scott and Mr Tennant as they always come alive whenever food is around. Here they are below posing for the camera.
As I mentioned last time, my wife and I have been walking daily for some exercise. We really enjoy our walk and the chance to stretch our legs and clear our heads - I really recommend it. Have any of you been on any nice walks this week? We witnessed a lovely sight a few days ago which is shown below. All of the ducklings followed their mother to a new resting place. We couldn’t believe how fast they were travelling - the duckling's little legs must have been kicking so fast.
Has anybody used this time in the house to tidy their bedrooms? Or have a clear out? I have tidied the shed as there were lots of things just thrown in there that shouldn’t have been e.g. old folders and files. It took me a few hours but I felt great once I had cleared it all out – also helped to kill a few hours.
During these uncertain times staying physically active is a fantastic way to look after both your physical and mental health. I know lots of you have been accessing the daily PE sessions with Joe Wicks and that is a great way of breaking up the boredom of isolation. Knowsley Schools Sports Partnership are promoting physical activity to all young people across the borough by each week devising weekly programmes of fun, physical activity ideas and personal challenges that can be completed at home, with little or no equipment. Keep an eye out under the ‘News items’ tabs for regular updates of these. I have attempted some myself and there is even video evidence
I hope you are still finding Times Table Rockstars good fun and are challenging yourselves regularly? I have accepted an invitation from Millbrook Community Primary School for entry to a ‘Top of the Rocks’ competition - starts TODAY. Therefore get practising and log on and attempt the challenge. Ensure you tell as many people from school about it in case they haven’t seen the notification – the more children that sign on, the more points we will score (there is an Alan Peat sentence for you)
Finally, at this time of year in school we would normally have our Easter Bonnet competition, but now because we know you're all safe at home, let us see what Easter themed crafts you can make from things you have around your house. Prizes will be awarded for the most original in each class. Upload pictures of your bonnets, Easter wreaths for your front doors, drawings etc. to our new twitter page for work @KceSafe or email me directly on [email protected]
I look forward to seeing your creations. Stay safe and speak to you soon,
Mr Mawson