Class 9 Catch Up 4.5.20
Date: 4th May 2020 @ 2:59pm
Good Afternoon Class 9,
Hope you and your families are all well at home. Are we all keeping ourselves busy? I find the days drag when I am doing nothing and they fly by when something is occupying my mind.
It has been lovely to hear from some of you again this week. Thank you for all of the entries for the ‘Film Competition’ too. We had lots of entries as a class and every single entry made me smile.
I have had another busy week this week, however most of my week has been spent indoors, as the weather has not been as nice as the previous week. I have spent a lot of time reading my book and looking up new recipes to try out. My next attempt at cooking is coming up; I am attempting Chinese style Salt and Pepper Chicken. I have been craving it for weeks and I decided that I am going to attempt cooking it for myself. It is fair to say that my wife is nervous, as I am not the best at cooking – except for my chocolate chip cookies. I will let you all know how I get on next week.
What have you been up to? Has anybody learnt anything new? Has anybody realised that they have a hidden talent? I have – I am literally never full up and always hungry. I am actually debating getting a lock for the fridge and cupboard doors.
This Friday is VE Day or 'Victory in Europe Day. It marks the day towards the end of World War Two (WW2) when fighting against Nazi Germany in Europe came to an end. On 8 May 1945, Prime Minister Winston Churchill made an announcement on the radio at 3pm that the war in Europe had come to an end, following Germany's surrender the day before. It was an emotional day that millions of people had been waiting for. This year is the 75th Anniversary of VE Day. Are any of you doing anything to celebrate VE Day? You may even chose to wear Red, White and Blue Clothes on that day or design ‘thank you’ posters to our soldiers of WWII. Mrs Williams has helped organise a “stay at home street party” for all the people in her road to celebrate – how good is that!
Your English and Topic home learning tasks are all based around VE Day. All of the information for your tasks can be found under the ‘Home Learning Week Beginning 4.5.20’ tab on our Class 9 page.
This week’s Knowsley School Sport Challenge is an indoor challenge – “Sock-ia.” A play on words of the Paralympic Sport Boccia, however instead of bowling balls we use socks. Check it out here - it is great fun
Finally, you will remember a few weeks ago, I mentioned in my blog about Captain Tom Moore. He aimed to walk a hundred lengths of his back garden (which is 25m in length) before he was 100 years old. He completed that challenge and raised an amazing amount of money for charity. Well children, I am delighted and proud to announce that we have our own fundraising hero in Class 9 – Harrison. Through Zoom, and with the help of some of his Martial Arts Group, Harrison completed the ‘1000 Kick Challenge.’ In doing this, he helped raise a fantastic £1000 for the NHS. Harrison on behalf of Class 9 – well done and thank you for being such a thoughtful individual.
I think that’s a lovely way to sign off this blog.
I look forward to hearing from some more of you this week.
Keep safe and stay active,
Mr Mawson