End of year message for you all

Date: 13th Jul 2020 @ 3:35pm

Hi Class 8!

As the school year draws to a close, we’d just like to say thank you to you all for your efforts this year. It’s not been the easiest year, has it? But you’ve all coped brilliantly with some major challenges. 

For those of you in Year 5, this year (the part where we were actually in school) has surely given you a taste of what’s to come next year as you become Year 6. As far as we know, SATs tests will be back on next year so you’ll need to be prepared to put in the work that you saw Year 6 put in this year. Try to get a head start in the holidays by keeping up with your times tables (they’re useful in all aspects of Maths), read as much as you can and discuss it where possible, and please do some writing so in September you haven’t completely forgotten how to hold a pencil and spell the words you need to! Maybe keep a diary or write a blog?

For those of you in Year 6, your time here at Kirkby C of E is now coming to an end. Can you believe it? Your parents will probably say how fast time’s flown – what do you think? It’s such a shame we won’t get to celebrate it with you this week with a Leavers’ Service as they’re such a lovely way to say a proper goodbye to you and your families. Nevertheless we all wish you all the very best for your future, both at secondary school and beyond. Whatever you do in life, be good, be kind, be the best you can be. Keep in touch with us and remember who your favourite teachers were. wink

Hope to see you all soon,

Love from Mrs O’Hare, Miss Walker and Mrs O’Hare xxx


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