End of year message
Date: 22nd Jul 2020 @ 2:50pm
Hi all,
I can't believe it is the end of the school year and we haven't managed to say a proper goodbye. Thank you to all those who attended my last zoom quiz, it was great to see you and see how many of you have grown up, grew taller and got new hairstyles.
It is the summer holidays and I want you to enjoy and rest up but please keep reading and perhaps some of you can write a diary or a recount so you can practise your handwriting.
You have all been informed of your child's new class and that on their first morning back in September they are to come to reception class for an hour so I and the reception team can help them settle back into school. On that morning if you have a school reading book, please can you bring that with you. I will send their wellington boots and any other belongings with them to their new class.
Stay safe and lots of love
Miss Nieman x