Hello Again From Mrs Keegan

Date: 21st Apr 2020 @ 9:18am

Hello Again Class 3

How are you all? I hope you had fun over Easter and maybe received an egg or two from the Easter bunny. I enjoyed a lovely cream egg one. How delicious it was!

It has been lovely to hear from so many of you over the past few weeks. I have replied to everyone who has written so far and managed to display some fantastic photos on our Class 3 Home Learning Display on the website. 

Have you seen the video of many of our school staff 'busy' at home? Who was doing your favourite activity?

Have you tried Mr Mawson’s sports challenges? How did you do? I've had a go at spelling out my name in exercises. Give it a try.

I've been keeping busy at home catching up on many of the jobs I normally don’t have time for, such as cleaning the oven and scrubbing out the wheelie bins. 

Yuck! sad

I hope you have been helping your grown ups around the house. My oldest boy Alex has been helping with the shopping and Liam has been folding the towels. smiley I hope they will have learned how to iron and cook by the time they go back to school.frown


I have also been trying to stay active whilst the sun is shining and am walking every day trying to get my 10,000 steps or more!!!! I live near the River Mersey so I am very lucky to be able to walk along the shore. Just the other day I came across the most beautiful secret pond with a family of ducks and ducklings. What a special sight it was! What adventures have you been having? Don't forget to let me know on 

                       [email protected]

Can any of you name the different sentence types I have typed in green? Can you remember the name of the purple words?

Well Done!!! I knew you wouldn't have forgotten. Try including some different sentence and word types in your very own blog. Hope to hear from you soon.

Stay safe


Mrs Keegan

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