Hello Class One
Date: 10th May 2020 @ 3:51pm
Hello Class One
How are you all? I hope you are all well and you are enjoying your time at home. This long weekend started off on Friday with some lovely weather, did any of you take part in any VE day celebrations? I know that some families had tea parties in their garden. We enjoyed the sunny weather by getting the paddling pool out and having afternoon tea.
It have still been receiving emails from children sharing photographs of all of the lovely things that they have been doing at home. It is so nice to see you all, even if it is only through a picture at the moment. I will continue to add these to our class page on the website (look for the ‘photos from home’ link at the top) so that you are able to see a little bit of each other.
I have been keeping busy at home. Sometimes I do actually forget what I have been doing though and I also often forget what day it is! I have sometimes found that each day is similar to the one before but I do try to make it a little bit more exciting and keep finding new things for us to do. I bought a new bike so we have started to go on lots of family bike rides. At the start of the year, Aidan wasn’t very confident riding his bike on the road but after lots of practise he is now loving going on longer rides, we managed to ride 9 miles on Friday. The roads have been quieter which has really helped to build his confidence.
Two years ago, this July, we got two baby chicks, Daisy and Peach. Those baby chicks are now fully grown hens and they live at the end of our garden. They have a hen house for sleeping in and laying eggs in and they also have a very big outdoor space to explore during the day. We keep them fenced off at the back so that they don’t come and eat all of our plants, the fence also keeps our dog away from them. I’m sure he would try and play with them all of the time if he could get close enough! Today their hen house was cleaned out so we let them run free around the whole garden. I think they were very happy.
Did you manage to have a look at the VLOG I posted with an art task for you to complete? That was my first ever VLOG, I am learning how to do new things all of the time. Keep checking out our class web page, we will post new tasks for you to try each week.
It is Elliott's birthday this week, all of the staff in Class One wish him a very happy day.
I would love to hear how you are all getting on, if you would like to send me a message to say hello or to let me know what you have been doing to keep yourself busy, then please feel free to email me on
I look forward to hearing from you and I hope to see you all soon.
Stay safe. Take care.
Love from Miss Melville xx