Hello again from Miss Melville

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 6:27pm

Hello Class One

How are you all? I hope you are all well and have enjoyed your time at home over Easter. Did the Easter bunny visit your house? On Easter Sunday, we woke up to lots of eggs hidden in our back garden and we had lots of fun finding (and eating) them. It has been so lovely to receive emails and to see all of the photographs of things that some of you are doing at home. You have been busy! Some photographs have been added to the school website gallery for you all to see. I have sent out email replies but apparently some have gone to your parent’s junk folder so you may need to check in there for them.

Have you seen that Mr Mawson in Class 9 has set a couple of active challenges for you all?  The first challenge was to see how many bunny hop squats you could complete in 30 seconds. Well this certainly looks easier than it is. I had a go and managed 23 in total but my legs were a little bit achy for a couple of days afterwards. Have a look at his video for the second challenge and see if you can complete it.

Also keep an eye on our school website and see if you can find the staff video of what we have been up to at home. Can you see any familiar faces?

I have been keeping busy at home by trying some baking. Last week we made flapjacks and an iced sponge cake with sprinkles, this reminded me of dinners from my school days many years ago. They were both delicious and disappeared very quickly in my house with my greedy boys, I am sure we will be baking them again soon.

We have also enjoyed doing some artwork, Aidan painted a rainbow for our front window and Alistair painted a sunshine. There are lots of lovely pictures on display in our local area and we like looking at them when we go out for our daily walk. That is Finns favourite part of the day, he loves walking across the fields and chasing a ball.  We have been very lucky to have such lovely weather at the moment and I hope you have all managed to get outside at some point to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.

I would love to hear how you are all getting on, if you would like to send me a message to say hello or to let me know what you have been doing to keep yourself busy, then please feel free to email me on

[email protected]

I look forward to hearing from you and I hope to see you all soon.

Stay safe. Take care.

Love from Miss Melville xx

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