Hello From Mrs Keegan 8/6/20
Date: 7th Jun 2020 @ 7:11pm
Hello Class 3
This week we wish a great big Happy Birthday to our 'Football Crazy' Friend Leyton
Happy Birthday from Class 3, Mrs Keegan and Miss Burgan.
Have a Wonderful Day!
I wonder what you've all been up to lately. If you have managed to engage in some of the tasks I have set on our class page for Home Learning, well done. If you have completed any of the Home Learning Packs then that’s great too. In fact I am so proud of you all however you have been keeping busy during this difficult time and I miss you all so much. I will continue to add weekly tasks to our class page to keep you busy.
I continue to enjoy hearing from you through email and sharing pictures of your work and activities on our class page display wall so please do keep them coming. My email address is
How are those grass heads growing? Have you measured the length of their hair using some of the new maths skills you have acquired during home learning. Have you cut any crazy styles? Send me some pictures and let me know.
I hope you’ve managed to take a look at the news items on our class page for the latest competition,
Who’s Who?
Lots of our school staff have posed for the camera reading a book. See if you can work out Who’s Who? Look carefully – are there any clues that can help you? I’ll give you a clue. I’m reading about my two children's favourite activity. Can you remember what that is? Have a go and email your answers to me.
Please do keep reading (just like us) whilst you are at home. I'm sure you have read your reading books over and over again but there are plenty of ways to access books online. These links are on our class page under the reading tab. The first is very useful for reading about your favourite interests and hobbies or maybe finding out more about oceans and sea creatures:
Find reading scheme books similar to those we use in school here:
Take Care
Mrs Keegan