I miss you all!
Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 10:16pm
Hi everyone at home .
Yes it's Mrs McPhillips checking you are all ok? I hope you are all busy reading and drawing at home !
I am really missing you and want to know what you are up to at home. I have put on some great ideas for learning on our class page for you to complete.
Ask Mummy or Daddy to help you read and choose what to do then they can email your learning, photos or videos to me.How exciting is that?
Very soon some of you will be turning 4 on your birthday so I would really enjoy seeing your photos and birthday cards. Ask your parents or an adult to email them to [email protected]
So I can hear you asking ........tell my about your day and your family. So, I have been taking my dog Tilly who is a very small white dog on very long walks which sometimes makes her a little bit cross. I know when she's cross because she stands still and won't move, she looks like a statue!
We looked for rainbows on our walk and we have spotted plenty! Tilly has been counting in her head and she has counted twenty so far.I know when shes counting because she taps her chin with her paw ! Also we have seen lots of cuddly teddy bears in peoples windows this makes Tilly smile and show off her teeth
.Tilly loves teddy bears she has 5 in her bed.
This afternoon I planted seeds in my garden just like we did last week in school, I hope they grow quickly. I need to remember to water them and keep them out of the frost in the cold evenings.
This evening I spoke to some of our teachers on a wesite called Zoom it was brilliant! There was 4 teachers all talking together on the screen at once, very exciting.
Well I'm going to bed now to cuddle up with my bedtime bear and read a lovely story,
night night, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite.
Love Mrs McPhillips