It's Christmas!
Date: 17th Dec 2020 @ 10:15pm
We have now finished our first term in Class One and what a busy term it has been. The last two weeks have been especially busy in our run up to Christmas. It is such a special time of year, we have really enjoyed spending this time together having lots of fun with our friends whilst thinking about the true meaning of Christmas.
We have learnt about Christingle and what each of the symbols represent. We weren’t able to celebrate this in our usual way, with the whole school, so we held our own service in class where we had some time to think and reflect.
Our Key Stage One Nativity has been very different this year. Classes one, two and three rehearsed and recorded a section of our chosen Nativity ‘Christmas with the Aliens’ in our individual bubbles. The children were all brilliant at learning their lines, singing the songs and joining in with the actions. We can’t wait to see it once it has all been put together - keep your eye out on the school website for the finished recording!
The whole of Kirkby C of E is sprinkled with twinkling stars thanks to the fantastic efforts of all of the children in making stars as part of the Kirkby appeal.
Have you spotted any in the local area? Here are the wonderful stars made in Class One by our Class One superstars.
The children have really enjoyed learning a new skill this half term. Sewing!
They have each sewn and decorated a snowman hand puppet which we are sure they will enjoy playing with over the Christmas break. We are so proud of how resilient they all were - they never gave up even when it became tricky and tangled.
On Thursday, the children arrived at school to find a very exciting package had been left in class for them.
Everyone worked hard as a team and followed lots of clues. These eventually led us to our class elf, Magic.
Magic has been a cheeky little elf that has visited our class throughout December but on Thursday he wasn’t cheeky at all, in fact he was very kind to us. Magic had filled the box with lots of goodies for our party day.
He left paper plates so that we could make party hats.
He also left two big parcels for games of ‘pass the parcel’.
There were lots of treats to enjoy after the Christmas disco.
We also found some candy canes sent from the North Pole, a lovely new story book to share and some ‘spot the difference’ puzzles to solve.
We finished our party day with a brilliant outdoor Christmas disco. Lots of smiling faces from happy children and happy staff.
HAPPY CHRISTMAS everyone. We hope you all have a wonderful break.
See you in 2021!