Just Keep Reading

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 4:01pm

Hi Class One

I hope you are ok.  This is our 6th week off school.  I have said to my children that if this was our big summer holiday before we change classes, we’d be getting ready to go back now.

It feels very strange to be off school and not know when we will go back.

Have you been reading?

I love reading but don’t usually find time to do it, so I have been enjoying reading books that I’ve had stacked up in a cupboard.

I can really recommend for you a free eBook library on www.oxfordowl.co.uk

An adult will have to register for free and then you can access lots of books that you can read on a tablet, computer or phone.

Please go on and have a look.  You can read yourself and there is sound so it will read to you. Plus there are little games to play in each book.

See if you can find books that we have read in guided reading, books that you’ve had as home readers and lots of familiar characters.

You could write in your reading diary, all the books that you read.

Enjoy and let me know how you get on.

Stay safe and keep reading

Love Mrs Dwyer x

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