Keep Practising Phonics
Date: 2nd Apr 2020 @ 7:30pm
Hi Class One
I hope you can all remember the phase 3 sounds we learned in phonics. Have a look at them and impress your family.
qu sh ch th ai ee
oo oa ar or igh ur
ow oi ear er air ure
Do you remember the ‘Obb and Bob’ game that we played in class?
Well you can play it at home. Go to
It’s called ‘Picnic on Pluto’ under the title ‘popular resources’
Choose 'phase 3' and pick a different sound each time you play.
You could write down all the sounds you’ve had a go at and maybe some real and nonsense words with each sound.
As a challenge, have a go at some of the phase 5 sounds which we have started to learn.
Also have a go at some of the other games.
I hope you enjoy them.
Have fun
Mrs Dwyer xx