Keeping up with Miss Parr! 20/04/20
Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 1:59pm
Hey Class 2
How are you all? I hope you all had a wonderful Easter Weekend. Did the Easter Bunny bring you lots of yummy eggs? Hopefully you all enjoyed a nice break from the school work and made the most of the beautiful weather. Have you been playing out in your garden? I would love to hear what you have been up too and remember if you would like to send me some pictures, I can add them to our ‘Class 2 Catch Up’ page so your friends can also see what you have been up to.
Unfortunately the website has been down for a couple of days but I am back now and will continue to update our class page. How are you getting on with the work packs you were given? Don’t forget, if you are finding it a little bit tricky or need some help, just ask mummy or daddy to send me an email and I will be happy to help. Also, I know we have been away from school for a while now so if you are starting to finish your work packs, keep checking the website as I will be posting more activities on here. Your grown-ups should have received an email from me this morning, letting them know how I plan to set you some tasks over the next couple of weeks. Today would have been the first day of our summer term, so we have to do some work to keep our brains growing. I hope you are all still reading and practising your phonics sounds every day. Yes that’s right, every single day. It is so important to read lots and lots as it will help your brain to grow very big and you will learn lots of new words that can help you with your writing too.
As well as reading it is super important to keep fit and active. I know I need to after the amount of chocolate and cakes I have eaten recently. Have any of you tried our new Knowsley School Sport Challenge? How many bunny hops can you do in 30 seconds? Can you beat Mr Mawson? A new challenge will be posted each week so make sure you keep checking the website and give it a go. Please, please, please beat Mr Mawson! I would love to see him shed a little tear after being beaten by a year 1 or 2 haha. If you do have a go, make sure you send me some pictures or even a video. We have to make sure we have the evidence to show Mr Mawson after all.
It’s also good to take some time out to do the things that you enjoy. So last week I said I was going to have a go at baking. Baking is something I like to do but don’t always have the time to. Well as you know practise makes perfect. So if you don’t have time to practise sometimes it can be a little bit tricky. Well I have been very busy, especially on Easter morning, when I made some extra special Easter cakes for a special delivery. I made chocolate rice krispy cakes, carrot cake muffins, cookies and lemon drizzle cake. I put them into boxes and delivered these to my family who I miss an awful lot at this time. They were very grateful and thankfully they all really enjoyed them. Have you had a go at baking any yummy treats?
Of course I need to give you a weekly pupdate. Barney is loving the beautiful weather and has been enjoying himself sunbathing in the garden, whilst I work next to him on my laptop. He also really enjoyed the Easter weekend as I must admit he is a bit of a chocolate fan. However, chocolate can make dogs quite poorly but luckily the Easter Bunny didn’t miss Barney off his list and he got a special doggy Easter egg. Spoilt pup.
Finally did anybody manage to watch my Vlog? Has anybody had a go at planting some sunflower seeds? My sunflower is beginning to show now and I got very excited. I have been making sure it is in a nice sunny place and I have been watering it whenever the soil starts to feel dry. Can you remember all of the things that plants need to grow?
Here is my sunflower. I can start to measure it now each day. My sunflower is 5 centimetres tall now. How tall is yours? Can you use a ruler to measure it?
Keep sending your pictures to me at [email protected]. I have really enjoyed seeing what you have been up to. I hope you and your families are all safe and well.
Miss Parr