Our Class Learning Journey - January
Date: 28th Jan 2021 @ 10:52am
Well what a start to 2021 we have had so far! Not the start to the year we were expecting however, there is definitely lots to celebrate. First and foremost, we want to say a big hello to all the children at home and a big well done! The resilience of the children has been outstanding and their eagerness and motivation to learn has been lovely to see. We have loved receiving emails of photos and messages about your home learning and we are proud to display your wonderful work on our class page (take a look on the tab ‘display work from home learning').
The children in school have been busy joining together with Nursery and showing the environment to the new children. The weather has certainly been a focus point for learning this January and we have had many days out splashing in puddles and looking at the effects of frost and ice outside. We received our new wetsuits and the children have been testing them out!
I want to end on saying a huge ‘thank you’ to all our wonderful parents and carers. Without your continued support, we wouldn’t have been able to plan and deliver remote learning and we really do appreciate everything you do.
Thank you!
Take care
Miss O’Nions / Miss Nieman / Miss Dunphy / Mrs Vella