Our Class Learning Journey 3

Date: 26th Nov 2020 @ 8:44pm


What a very busy month we have had! 

The children now start each morning doing group work including writing letters of the alphabet, jigsaws, dough disco, finger gym exercises and more.  This is even before 9am. 

The children have started phonic work and already this month they have learnt the following letter sounds and letter names including s, a, t, p, n, m, i, d, g, o, c, k, e, u and r.  The children are also trying to blend letters to make words e.g. dog.

During class busy times we have looked at firework night and created stunning blow paint firework pictures.  We looked at Remembrance Day and created a Poppy wreath to be displayed at the school entrance. We talked about Anti-bullying week and how to be a good friend.  We celebrated a week of Children in Need and dressed up, went on a scavenger hunt, a welly walk and much more. 

The children have started with home reading books and in class children have read guided reading books in small groups with their teacher.  Thank you for supporting your child to read at home.  It is so important to spend that time together. 

All the children have started writing; independent writing and  guided writing with their teacher.  All the staff are very proud of all the children and their attitude and resilience to work and challenges.

We have completed the story Owl Babies and The Gruffalo and looked at Autumn, woodland animals and nocturnal animals. Children have made animal homes outside and got very muddy in the mud kitchen making food for them.

During maths and number work, we have been concentrating on numbers to 5, writing them, reading them, ordering them and number bonds, for example 1 and 4  or 2 and 3.  The children work in groups to access different activities and games to support their learning and all have made progress. 

Finally, nurses have been in school to test your child’s eyesight, hearing and given the flu nasal spray to those who agreed it. 

 Please use the 'Autumn 2' or 'Outdoor learning' tab at the top of the class page to find photos. Ask your child to tell you what they have been up to in the photographs.

Miss O'Nions /Miss Nieman / Mrs Vella / Miss Dunphy 


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