Recount of week 12 of home learning

Date: 15th Jun 2020 @ 12:17pm

Hi Reception,

Hope you are all safe and well.  It has been great seeing so many of you enjoying the pirate theme.  I will put new homework up for next week with a new theme.  Keep checking the home learning page.  I have loved talking to most of you this week on the phone, and hearing what you have all been up to.  It is lovely to hear your voices and knowing you are safe. 

I am going to email you all this week about setting up a zoom meeting with myself for week commencing 22/6/20.  Please check your emails.  And please remember to pick up your pack from the school from the conservatory area this week. 

First I asked Milly and Austin what their favourite game was that they had played over the last 12 weeks.  They both liked building towers from all the plant pots.  So we had another go.  We even had to stand on a chair to reach the top.

Next they showed me how much they had improved on the trampoline. 


Then we had to take Penny to get her nails cut.  On the way home we went on our first walk to the park since lockdown and we were all very tired.  Austin found a large feather and carried that home.

Finally got into the paddling pool again and showed Milly and Austin how to snorkel.  Austin like snorkelling out of the water. 

I would love to hear your news and see some of your pictures.  Perhaps you can do the same things as us.  Please email any pictures or if you want to tell me anything or ask any questions my email is [email protected]

Remember, to stay safe, stay home, wash your hands, and be good. 

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