Recount of week 13 of home learning
Date: 22nd Jun 2020 @ 3:26pm
Hi Reception,
Hope you are all well and safe. I hope you are enjoying the space homework.
I started back at school last week and used some of the space worksheets and ideas and the children loved the Zid’s best ever dress and making aliens and using masks.
We are doing zoom this week, if anyone has any problems with downloading please let me know. I hope you have saved the date and time as it will be lovely to see you all and have some fun with a little quiz.
The home learning packs are ready for collection but I know some of you still have not collected it. It is available from the conservatory (staff carpark) between 7:30am and 5:30pm so please collect. It will save you printing and your paper.
Last week was a very busy week!
After staying at my dad’s house for the lock down we decided to stay permanently. Last week I started moving and didn’t realise how much stuff I had. That was before we started on the children’s bedrooms. They had lots of toys and jigsaws and games and teddies and much more. After many car journeys and more this morning, I only have one car journey left. I am exhausted!!!
I would love to hear your news and see some of your pictures. Perhaps you can do the same things as us. Please email any pictures or if you want to tell me anything or ask any questions my email is [email protected].
Remember, to stay safe, stay home, wash your hands, and be good.