Recount of week 4 of home schooling

Date: 17th Apr 2020 @ 10:09pm

Hi Reception

Hope you have all had a lovely Easter and not eaten too much chocolate.  On Easter Sunday, we went for an Easter egg hunt in the garden and the Easter Bunny had delivered lots of little eggs.  For the rest of the week, we did lots of activities in the garden.

First we painted each other’s hands and feet and made prints.  


Then we made an assault course.  We had to jump over canes, crawl through a tent, limbo under a cane, balance on a beam of wood, throw ball into a bucket and then carry an egg on a spoon and walk around the tree.  At first, Milly took 53 seconds but quickly improved and got around the assault course in 33 seconds.  How much quicker did she do?

Next Milly decorated a dress made out of a roll of different wallpapers and glue.

After that, we had a competition.  In two teams, we had to see who could build the highest tower and it had to stay upright for 10 seconds without anyone holding on to it.  Can you build a tall tower?


Finally we had a tug of war.  Can you guess who won? 

I have added new work to the home schooling page, please take a look.  I would love to hear your news and see some of your pictures.  Perhaps you can do the same things as us.  Please email any pictures or if you want to tell me anything or ask any questions my email is [email protected]

Remember, to stay safe, stay home, wash your hands, and be good. 

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