What a week!
Date: 18th Apr 2020 @ 10:48am
Hello C5!
HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? Sadly, I have not received any emails this week?!
Please email me at [email protected].
I hope you have thoroughly enjoyed Easter and have received lots of eggs. I have had a lovely little break and even got a couple of eggs myself! YUM! I wanted to share my eggs with everyone else in the house, so I had ago at making rice crispy cakes! Have a look at the pictures (I think I did a good job), they even tasted lovely.
Have you made anything with your Easter eggs? Or even want to show me pictures of you enjoying your eggs, please send pictures. I want to create a catch up page with C5 pictures so you can all see what each other are getting up to, but I can’t do that if no one is contacting me!
This week, I have decided to push myself. I always walk the same lovely route around the Woodlands but this week I have decided to jog! Me jog, who knew?! I know I am only on day six, but I am having less rests on my route. I am hoping my next week, to be able to run the whole area without walking (fingers crossed). As well as running, I thought I would try something new. So this week, I have used YouTube and have been learning some new dance moves; using Just Dance. Why don’t you give it ago? There are a lot of current pop songs, so I think you would be able to find something you liked. Why don’t you give it ago?
I have had some good points to the week, I made deck of cards stand up like a house (without sellotape or glue). I was so amazed and was even able to get some pictures before it fell down.
Inspiration of the week.
This week, I have been really inspired. I have read a fantastic article about a World War 2 Army Veteran, who is 99 years old. His name is Captain Tom Moore. Captain Moore has aimed to fundraise money for the NHS, by walking the length of his garden (25m) 100 times; before his 100th birthday. His aim was to raise £1,000 but as of 18/04/2020 he has raised near to 21 million pounds!!! Wow, oh wow!
The best part is he completed his challenge!!
What an inspiration and to top it off he said he ‘feels fine’.
Well Done Captain Moore!
Why don’t you have a look for yourself?
I was thinking of maybe doing a quiz competition next week, where you could win some cool prizes? What do you think?
You could send your replies to [email protected]
Well that’s all from me.
Miss Cleary