Class 4 Home Learning wb 8th June 2020

Hi Children, Parents and Carers,

I hope you all staying safe and well. If you haven't yet had a look, check out the Staff Reading Gallery Competition here - let us know your guesses and we'll let you know if you're right. Some are quite tricky!

Here is a summary of Class 4’s Home Learning for this week. If you click on the hyperlink, it should take you to the correct place. I'll also email the documents to you. Any problems, please let me know. 

MATHS (week 7):

          Y3= equivalent (equal) fractions

          Y4= decimals/dividing by 10 and 100

(Worksheets and answers attached)

Y3 White Rose Maths  (Y3 worksheets attached) (see Y3 BBC Maths for additional useful videos)

 Y4 White Rose Maths  (Y4 worksheets attached) (see Y4 BBC Maths for additional useful videos)

(I know some of you are using Carol Vorderman’s “The Maths Factor” site and if you’d prefer to carry on with that, that's OK.)


This week's home learning is based on J.K. Rowling's 'The Ickabog'. 

J.K. Rowling wrote this story a long time ago. She is now releasing part of the story each day, to help keep us entertained during lockdown. On Sunday evening, there were already 19 Chapters online. I am really enjoying it so far. Click here for a link to the page. 

Your English homework this week is to read the book online, choose a character and complete a Character Profile of him or her. I think the characters we have been given the most detail so far about are King Fred, Spittleworth, Flapoon and Daisy (strange names, eh?). Draw a picture of what you think they look like and then describe them. Include details such as what their character is like (e.g. are they kind, mischievous or greedy?) and what they like to do. You could even give evidence for your opinions (I'd give examples here, but I don't want to give any of the story away!).  There's a template here you could use, although you might want to write more. You could also leave the final section blank and see if your character changes during the story before completing when we’ve read the whole story.

You could also email us to let us know what you think of the story so far, as well as what you think is going to happen next. 

There is also a J.K. Rowling comprehension for you to complete here, so you can find out more about the person who wrote the book (as well as all the Harry Potters!).


J.K. Rowling has also started a competition for illustrations for her new book. Why not have a go at drawing an illustration? Who knows, your illustration could be chosen. How wonderful would that be? As well as entering online, send us a photo of your illustration to put on our Class page. Good luck! 

This week's edition of First News is also attached, if you'd like more reading material. It really is jam-packed with news. Don't forget to read daily for 20+mins. 

Additional daily work ("IF" wanted):

    Y3 BBC Daily English

    Y4 BBC Daily English


Look at to see the video clips on how to form letters and joins correctly. Practise the letters you are still struggling with. Don't forget to try to keep your letters a consistent size, with short letters short and tall letters tall. 


Click here to see the list of all statutory words children in Y3 & Y4 should know. Try to concentrate on these words please.


Times Table Rock Stars . Please encourage children to take part in tournaments.

Hit the Button

NumBots  (Use the same login details for TTRockstars)


Take a look at this week's 'Kindness Calendar'. It's all based around music and has some really nice ideas. 

Please let me know if you are running out of supplies i.e. pens, pencils, work books and we will try to get things to you ASAP. Likewise, if you have any questions, please email me at [email protected] and I'll do my best to help.

Take care, stay safe and keep in touch. 

Mrs Williams x

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